YouDive TV

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Galapagos - One of the most thrilling dive destinations in the world!

By : Josh Jensen | Duration : 3min 7sec | Channel : Diving Trips
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This superb video is the work of Australian filmmaker Josh Jensen and it was shot during a dive cruise around the Galapagos Islands on board the lovely ship Aggressor II.

The Galapagos archipelago, which is part of Equator, ranks as one of the best dive destinations in the world.

For those who are after 'Mr Big', this is the thrill of a lifetime – there are plenty of pelagics, including dolphins, various species of rays, whale sharks, grey sharks, huge shoals of hammerheads, sunfish, sea lions – not to mention numerous endemic species on land and at sea.

Josh Jensen and his wife, the underwater photographer Liz Harlin, have set up a film production company, Undersea Productions, which offers a wide variety of services in relation to underwater videos and pictures.

Undersea Productions also organises liveaboard dive trips when Liz and Josh hold workshops for those divers who want to improve their skills at taking pictures or making videos. Their next trips are scheduled to the Solomon Islands, Indonesia, Tonga and Palau.

Learn more about this liveaboard on Aggressor's website.

© Josh Jensen / Undersea Productions