YouDive TV

The first online TV channel in HD about scuba diving and underwater videos

In Full HD, the Red Sea has never been so close!

By : Liquid Jungle Productions | Duration : 14min 7sec | Channel : Diving Trips
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Underwater videographers Valentina Cucchiara and Nick Poole, cofounders of Liquid Jungle Productions and tek divers (some images were shot at more than 100 metres deep), have turned out superb images in Full HD of some of the most interesting species and dive sites of the Red Sea, from dolphins and manta rays to whale sharks and thresher sharks, with the added thrill of the rarely seen thresher shark and all the reef species that flutter along awesome drop-offs.

Wrecks include the Thistlegorm at Sha'ab Ali, the Ghiannis D and the Carnatic at Aby Nuhas, the Rosalie Moller and the Ulysses at Gubal, as well as the Numidia at Brother Islands. Images of sharks were shot at Brother Islands, Daedalus Reef and Ras Mohammed.

Learn more about scuba diving in the Red Sea.

© Liquid Jungle Productions / Valentina Cucchiara & Nick Poole Music by Cote d'Ivoire / Millia / Wild Discovery / It's all gone / Unisson / Fairy tale